We have a very long client list ranging from Fortune 100 and 500 to Mid Size Companies and Small Businesses.

Gaming industry


CLIENT STORY // Fluor Corporaton
We have been working with Fluor Corporation since 2001 providing IT Resources for their 4 major U.S. locations, Greenville, SC; Aliso Viejo, CA; Dallas, TX and Houston, TX. We enjoy the management and have been able to respond to their needs. We also worked overseas in The Philippines with Fluor. We have a personal working relationship with the entire team. Many of our contractors were hired by Fluor and are still on staff today. This is a testament to our Success after 15 years of Service.
We have had wonderful success working with the BHP Billiton team. We were able to recruit very qualified Supply Chain resources for them over the years and have maintained our relationship with managment as well as our Staffed Professionals. We are still working with them after more than 6 years.
ClIENT STORY// Brown and Root
B&R was our very first placement 20 + years ago!!
CLIENT STORY// Polycom - Voice and Video conferencing recruiting for Polycom has afforded us a whole new arena. Thanks Polycom!!